MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP Karavan Için ZF Marine 3055 V12-2000HP Vites Kutusu

Düşük fiyattan ekipman satın almaya karar verirseniz gerçek satıcı ile iletişime geçtiğinizden emin olun. Ekipmanın sahibi hakkında bulabildiğiniz kadar çok bilgi edinmeye çalışın. Hile yapmanın bir yolu da kendinizi gerçek bir şirket olarak göstermektir. Şüpheye düşmeniz halinde, geribildirim formu üzerinden ek kontrol yapmamız için bizi bilgilendirin.
Bir satın alma yapmaya karar vermeden önce seçtiğiniz ekipmanın ortalama fiyatını anlamak için çeşitli satış tekliflerini dikkatli bir şekilde inceleyin. Beğendiğiniz teklifin fiyatı benzerlerinden çok daha düşükse biraz düşünün. Önemli bir fiyat farkı gizlenen kusurların veya satıcının dolandırıcılık yapma çabasının bir göstergesi olabilir.
Benzer ekipman için ortalama fiyattan çok farklı fiyattaki bir ürünü satın almayın.
Şüpheli güvencelere ve ön ödemeli ürünlere onay vermeyin. Şüpheye düşmeniz halinde, ayrıntıları netleştirmekten çekinmeyin, ilave fotoğraflar ve ekipmanın belgelerini isteyin, belgelerin orijinalliğini kontrol edin, soru sorun.
En yaygın dolandırıcılık biçimi. Hileci satıcılar bir ekipmanı satın alma hakkınızı “ayırtmak” için belirli bir miktar peşin ödeme talep edebilir. Böylelikle dolandırıcılar yüksek miktarda para toplayıp ortadan kaybolabilirler, bir daha iletişime geçemezsiniz.
- Ön ödemenin karta transferi
- İletişim sırasında satıcı şüphe uyandırıyorsa para transferi işlemini doğrulayan belgeler olmadan peşin ödeme yapmayın.
- “Emanetçi” hesabına transfer
- Bu tür bir istek sizi harekete geçirmelidir, büyük ihtimalle bir dolandırıcı ile iletişim kuruyorsunuz.
- Benzer isimdeki bir şirket hesabına transfer
- Dikkatli olun, dolandırıcılar, adda küçük değişiklikler yaparak kendilerini iyi bilinen şirketler gibi göstermeye çalışabilir. Şirket adı şüpheliyse para transferi yapmayın.
- Gerçek bir şirketin faturasına kendi bilgilerini yerleştirme
- Bir transfer gerçekleştirmeden önce, belirtilen detayların doğru olduğundan ve belirtilen şirketle ilişkili olduğundan emin olun.
Satıcı iletişim bilgileri

surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.
surplus new units ZF Marine transmission gearboxes ZF3055
ratio 1,733 :1
ZF Nr. 3101.003.179 , 3101003179 , 3101-003-179
Ser Nr. 50044386 , 50044387
Vertical offset, direct or remote mount marine transmission.
3 shaft, reverse reduction transmission with hydraulic clutch mounted on the input shaft and another one mounted on the reverse shaft. Input drive on opposite side to output drive.
Non-reversing NR version also available .
Fully works tested, reliable and simple to install .
Suitable for high performance applications in all types of fast craft, luxury motoryachts, patrol vessels, crew-boats etc .
Compatible with all types of engines and propulsion systems, including waterjets and surface-piercing propellers and cpps .
Compact, space-saving design, complete with oil cooler, pump and full flow filter.
Design, manufacture and quality control standards comply with ISO 9001 .
with the MAN Marine engines newest MAN D2862LE496 V12-2000HP ( 2019 year) 02 units, stock.
Package price for complete set 02 engines + 02 transmissions
ready for shipment. EU stock.